The process for placing an online order on the 1BitLab website consists of the following steps:
1 - Choose the item you want to purchase,
2 - Click on the "Buy" or "Add to Cart" button for the item you have chosen to purchase.
3 - Click on the "Cart" button.
4 - Click on the "Checkout" button.
5 - Click on the "Finalize purchase" button.
6 - If you have not yet registered on our website, you must register and fill in the required fields. If you have already registered previously, you must log in with your email and password on our website.
7 - Confirm the shipping address and click on the "Continue" button.
8 - Choose the shipping method and click on the "Continue" button.
9 - Choose the payment method, read, and accept the "Terms and Conditions". Also, check your order and the shipping address.
10 - Click on the "Confirm Order" button.
11 - You will soon receive the payment details and order confirmation in your email.
After placing the order, please note that:
1 - Your order will only be shipped after payment is received.
2 - The address you provide must be correctly written, as the address will be copied directly onto the shipping label.
3 - You will receive an email confirming that your order has been processed correctly.
4 - When the order is shipped, you should receive an email with the shipping confirmation and the transport guide number.
You can always review the status of your order by clicking on "My Account" > "Order History" > "Details" on our online store.
Before finalizing the order, always verify that the shipping address is written correctly. If the order is returned with the reason "Incorrect or insufficient address", the customer will have to pay for the second shipment.